
Everything about membership


You can apply for membership by completing and sending this form.

For all questions regarding membership, please contact the membership administration.

Please note the following:

  • If a minor wants to become a member, someone who exercises parental authority or guardianship must sign the application.
  • The annual contribution invoice will be sent by the treasurer with a payment link before the start of the season. This must be paid by mid-March. Contributions are paid via Club Collect. The invoice clearly states how to use Club Collect. The contribution amounts for the current season can be found here.
  • You are also welcome to become a member during the season. In that case, you pay your contribution proportionately. We try to find a good training group for new youth members during the season.

General information for new members

In practice, you can play outside on the clay courts between the end of March and the end of October. Membership is automatically renewed every year. The club year runs from January 1 through December 31. Cancellation must be done before December 1.

We would like to immediately introduce new members to the association. The New Members Committee also exists for this purpose. Every new member – both youth and seniors – can, if desired, be assigned a member who will ensure a good introduction within the association. This is the best way to immediately get to know other tennis players and to lower the threshold for participating in various activities, such as tossing opportunities and tournaments.

New youth members can always contact the Youth Committee with their questions and seniors can always contact the New Members Committee.

Tennis for youth

There is Preparatory Tennis for the novice youth tennis player. Preparatory tennis is intended for children from 5 to 8 years old. This is the way to get acquainted with tennis under the guidance of a trainer, together with other children who are just starting out. You do not need to purchase a racket, we can borrow it. Only sportswear and sports shoes (no black soles!) are sufficient in the beginning... and enthusiasm!

There are no lessons during the school holidays.

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